Choice Business Loans Blog

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin.

These are our Blogs about alternative finance, SME loans and the broader business environment

Peer-To-Peer Lending With The Secret Investor

Goodbye from the Secret Investor

Last post: Oct 24, 2019

The Secret Investor summarises his thoughts after 4 years of writing about his P2P investments. What has he learned, what does he think will happen to the industry now and what will he do from now on?

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Reviews Of The Peer-To-Peer Lending Sites

InvestUP - The P2P Superstore

Last post: Dec 21, 2015

Diversification. That is the key to successful P2P lending but such a strategy, with funds spread across many platforms, can be extremely time consuming. The InvestUP Crowdfunding brokerage has been established to alleviate this problem by enabling investors to distribute their capital across many P2P hosts using just one account. Currently, offerings are listed from over 20 P2P sites in this online superstore of opportunities.

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Special Reports & Infographics

What is marketing - and how it can benefit your business

Last post: Nov 8, 2021

At Choice Business Loans we want to see our clients thrive, which is why we take the time and care to provide them with the right advice when it comes to loan solutions available to them. Beyond smart finances, running a successful SME often includes lots of multitasking and balancing of priorities. One such priority that can be difficult to get to grips with but is hugely important, is marketing. Nicole Martin of Pinpoint Marketing shared with us her top tips on getting it right - and some thoughts on when it may be time to outsource.

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Relevant Issues Blog

Ready to Exit? Make Sure Your Business Is Too

Last post: May 7, 2024

Exiting a business isn't just a goal—it's a strategy. Here's how to ensure your business is as ready as you are:

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Recent Blog posts

  • Much legend has long surrounded the notion of using a credit card to launch or fund a business; the search engine that you might have used to find this article, Google, may not have existed if it wasn’t for Sergey Brin and Larry Page’s use of cards to pay for computers and open-source software in the business’s earliest days. Similarly, the founders of Airbnb, Brian Chesky and Joe Gebbia, apparently had credit card debt of as much as $25,000 at one point.

    So, is credit card financing a potentially very risky route for a business? It depends on precisely how you intend to use it when supporting your company.

  • Whether your business is in need of a loan to get off the ground or to progress to its next phase of growth, it is vital to be aware of the terms, conditions and implications of each available form of finance.

    So, what options do you have for a business loan for your own small to medium-sized enterprise (SME), and what factors will help to determine the most suitable solution?

  • While poring over your options for business finance, you may have heard of ‘PDQ cash loans’ or a similar term, and wondered what these are, and whether they could help your company.
    The acronym PDQ stands for ‘Process Cash Quickly’, with ‘PDQ machine’ simply being another name for a card machine, as are widely used by businesses for the quick and convenient processing of card payments.
    However, you may not have realised that your own firm’s PDQ machines could help to unlock a form of business finance lacking many of the disadvantages associated with traditional bank loans.

  • Crowdfunding – a means of raising money from a large number of people each making small donations, as opposed to sourcing the entire required sum of money from a single bank or financial institution – has gained ever-greater traction in the world of business funding in recent times.

    However, if you are to understand the potential relevance of crowdfunding for your own firm, it is important to become well-versed in the different forms that this innovative way of obtaining finance can take, and the associated advantages and drawbacks.

  • You may consider seeking external investment in your business for any of a wide range of reasons. Of course, the prospective monetary benefit is the most obvious one, with cash injections often instrumental in the development and growth of firms in all manner of sectors. There are also certain strong non-monetary advantages that investors can often bring, such as relevant expertise and professional connections.

    Whatever your reasons for looking for an investor from outside your company, it will doubtless be helpful for you as an entrepreneur to know what kind of investors are out there, as well as how you can boost your business’s attractiveness to the right investors for you.

  • Headlines: Lending Crowd’s Summer Bonus is to offer £50 Cashback to those who transfer an ISA worth £5,000 or more over to them… Funding Circle’s active loan book has increased by 37% over the past 12 months… ReBuildingSociety factor a hard-Brexit into their credit risk model.

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