Choice Business Loans Blog

"An investment in knowledge pays the best interest." - Benjamin Franklin.

These are our Blogs about alternative finance, SME loans and the broader business environment

Peer-To-Peer Lending With The Secret Investor

Goodbye from the Secret Investor

Last post: Oct 24, 2019

The Secret Investor summarises his thoughts after 4 years of writing about his P2P investments. What has he learned, what does he think will happen to the industry now and what will he do from now on?

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Reviews Of The Peer-To-Peer Lending Sites

InvestUP - The P2P Superstore

Last post: Dec 21, 2015

Diversification. That is the key to successful P2P lending but such a strategy, with funds spread across many platforms, can be extremely time consuming. The InvestUP Crowdfunding brokerage has been established to alleviate this problem by enabling investors to distribute their capital across many P2P hosts using just one account. Currently, offerings are listed from over 20 P2P sites in this online superstore of opportunities.

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Special Reports & Infographics

What is marketing - and how it can benefit your business

Last post: Nov 8, 2021

At Choice Business Loans we want to see our clients thrive, which is why we take the time and care to provide them with the right advice when it comes to loan solutions available to them. Beyond smart finances, running a successful SME often includes lots of multitasking and balancing of priorities. One such priority that can be difficult to get to grips with but is hugely important, is marketing. Nicole Martin of Pinpoint Marketing shared with us her top tips on getting it right - and some thoughts on when it may be time to outsource.

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Relevant Issues Blog

Ready to Exit? Make Sure Your Business Is Too

Last post: May 7, 2024

Exiting a business isn't just a goal—it's a strategy. Here's how to ensure your business is as ready as you are:

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Recent Blog posts

  • Brexit grants for Buckinghamshire businesses are being made available by the area's Local Enterprise Partnership, Buckinghamshire Business First.

  • Assetz Capital refund all investors who were exposed to wind turbine loans that went bad… Ratesetter launch their platform-set interest rates

  • When your credit score isn’t too healthy, it can be a challenge to raise the business capital that you need to grow. But does that mean that you should be denied the opportunity? There are funding routes out there that a business with bad credit can take to ensure that they can move forward.

  • A merchant cash advance - otherwise known as an MCA - is a popular form of alternative business finance. It works well for small firms and sole traders that make the majority of their income through credit card transactions as opposed to invoices and bank transfers, such as shops, restaurants, salons and cafes.

  • The P2P World seems to be prioritising ease of access as FundingSecure announce a managed account with access to funds within 30 days under normal circumstances while Ratesetter re-align their product offerings to focus on withdrawal charges rather than the length of investments

  • Ratesetter announce that they will launch a range of new products on 3rd October… Funding Secure have recruited a team of specialists to help them reduce their backlog of loans... as a thank you to their investors’ for being so patient, they are also offering additional bonus rates of up 1.25% pa on investments made up until the end of September... Assetz Capital offer £150 of Cashback to new investors

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